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Familiar Page 4

  She smiled.

  "I have a body you could love, don't I?" she asked.

  "You know you do," I said. "Arrogance doesn't become you."

  She smiled. "If you hadn't been frightened by my magic, you would have let me take you a week ago."

  "Arrogant," I said. But it was true.

  Her hands returned to my skin, stroking me, stirring her magic further into me.

  "What are you doing to me?" I asked. "Please stop."

  She smiled. "I am only waking your body, Moira. Nothing more."

  And I realized that was true.

  She stroked my skin, not touching me in the more intimate places. She caressed my face and shoulders, then down to my arms, touching softly, her fingers leaving a lovely warmth in their passing. She crossed back to the head of the table and made long, slow strokes, from my face down my neck to my shoulders, then all the way down to my hands, which she clasped for a moment.

  And my hands closed about hers, wanting to hold her. She smiled, then stroked me again like that, lowering her mouth to my ear again. "Do you feel it, Moira? Do you feel my magic?"

  "No!" I said. "No." But I could. She giggled into my ear.

  "Liar," she said. "That's all right. You won't be able to lie to me much longer. Lie with me, but not to me." She licked my ear and nibbled at the lobe.

  "Oh god," I said. I renewed my struggles, but she giggled happily.

  "Yes," she said. "Do struggle. It makes me excited to see you struggle. It helps the magic work in faster, too."

  "No!" I said. I willed the magic away from me, but while I could see it, I couldn't affect it. I tried twirling my finger the way she had, hoping to stir the magic.

  She laughed. "It doesn't work that way," she said. "I didn't need the gesture. That was for your benefit, not mine. Would you like to see?" She clasped my hand, and then the bonds tightened around my chest, then became two snakes standing above me, one projecting from each small breast. They weaved back and forth in front of me.

  "You'll like this," she said.

  And then the two snakes of magic turned away from my face and suddenly dived between my legs.

  I gasped as I instantly became aroused, deeply aroused.

  "That is what my magic does, Moira," she said. She released my hands, trailing her fingers along my skin. I would have arched my back if I hadn't been secured so tightly.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled. "Wow," she said. "You're amazing. Oh, you are so amazing, Moira. I've never tasted magic like the magic flowing from you right now, and we've barely started."

  "No!" I said.

  "Yes," she said. "I am a passion witch. And your passion feeds my magic. It is your own passion that will ultimately make all this work."

  I tried to shut it down. I tried to imagine her as an old, shriveled hag. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine her bony, scaly hands touching me. But she bent over me and kissed me.

  I moaned into the kiss. Her lips were soft and luscious, and she tasted like nothing I had tasted before.

  When she broke the kiss, we were both breathless. She inhaled deeply, smiling, and I could feel her magic invading me through my pores.

  She caught my eyes, and I couldn't blink when she very slowly reached down between her own legs. Her hand disappeared from my view, but I knew what she was doing. When she withdrew her hand, her fingers glistened. She slid them into her mouth, painting her tongue with her own wetness.

  She smiled at me, and then her fingers disappeared, returning with fresh wetness. She reached to me and painted my lips with her musk.

  Reflexively, I licked my lips. I couldn't help it. And suddenly her taste filled my mouth.

  I'd tasted women before; of course I had. And each of them had tasted sweet and unique, but none tasted like Arianna did.

  I smiled, for the first time since I had gotten there, I smiled.

  "You liked that," she said. She presented her fingers in front of my lips, and I opened my mouth. She slipped her fingers inside my mouth, sliding them across my tongue.

  A wave of lust drove through me. I sucked greedily at her fingers until she withdrew them.

  "More," I said. "More!"

  "Of course," she said. "So much more." She reached inside herself again, and then her fingers were at my lips. I kissed them before she slid them inside my mouth.

  I moaned around her fingers.

  She bent down and whispered into my ear. "I thought you wanted to struggle."

  And I did. I remembered that I did. She was doing things to me I didn't understand, making me hers, and that felt very much like she intended to make me her slave, and I was no one's slave, or pet.

  She saw the moment I decided to bite her fingers and instead pulled them from my mouth, laughing.

  Again her fingers disappeared between her legs. This time she used them to paint my upper lip, all the way to my nose. Her scent filled me. The only escape was to breathe through my mouth.

  She used her fingers to paint my nipples, first the nearest, the left, then the right. I felt them each become hard, engorged under her touch.

  "Much of this is simple touch," she said. "The touch any woman might offer. But I have had a great deal of practice. And of course, my magic helps."

  "You're no great lover," I told her.

  She laughed. "You won't say that after tonight."

  "Are you going to rape me?"

  "No," she said. "When I finally take you, it will be with your blessing. It's only a matter of time. You are seething in passion, Moira. You taste divine."

  She leaned over me. "Do you want to know what your magic tastes like?"

  "I have magic?"

  "Everyone has magic," she said. "Some more than others. You have quite a bit, all of it waiting for me. The difference between us is that I am able to manipulate the magic, and you are not. Would you like to taste it?"

  "Isn't that like eating myself?"

  She laughed. "No."

  I was curious. I admit, I was curious.

  "Yes," I said. I smiled. "I really have magic?"


  "I can taste it?"

  "With my help," she said. "Can you see your own aura?"

  "No," I said.

  "I will teach you how," she said. "But not tonight. Your colors are purple and blue and green, with just a streak of red and orange here and there. It is amazingly beautiful." She paused. "Perhaps this I can show you. This may initially feel strange to you."

  She began to breathe deeply, and it felt like she was pulling something, almost like she was pulling my hair.

  "Ohhhh," she said. "Ohhh, you're amazing, Moira."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Does it hurt?"

  "No, it feels weird."

  "I am pulling your magic to me." Then she gestured, and I watched her own magic slide down her body, leaving her bare of magic, at least as much as I could see. Then she drew from me again, and I saw more magic surround her, a different color.

  I stared. "Is that my magic?" I asked.

  She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Yes."

  I studied her. I felt drained, empty, and I didn't like it, but I studied her. She wore a cloak of purple and blue, with green streaks and just a light edging of orange.

  "Is that what I look like?" I asked, in awe.

  She looked down. "It fits you better than me," she said. "Once you are my familiar, I can show you better."

  "It's... it's beautiful, Arianna."

  "Yes, Moira, it is. I am going to give it back now."

  And then she leaned over and blew against my exposed skin, and it was like she was blowing my magic back onto me. I could see it leaving her mouth, but then it disappeared as it touched me. Slowly I filled, but it felt differently than it had.

  "It feels different," I told her.

  "Does it hurt?"

  "No. Just different."

  She smiled. "I can't do this without giving you some of my own magic mixed in with yours. Left to itself, mine wou
ld drown yours out in a few hours." She caressed my cheek. "I promised to show you what you taste like. First I must show you what I taste like." With any further preamble, she bent over and began kissing me.

  I kissed her back. Then she breathed into my mouth, but instead of receiving her used breath, she gave me some of her magic. And this time, I could taste it.

  She leaned away. "That was my magic," she said. "Now I will take some of yours and give it back, but just like before, it will be mixed with some of my magic. I can't give you a pure taste. I'm sorry, because you taste so amazing." Then she leaned over my neck and breathed in deeply. I felt her draw down a portion of my magic, and then she kissed me again, breathing out.

  "Oh wow," I said into the kiss.

  "That is mostly you," she said, looking into my eyes. "Mixed with me." She smiled. "Your fear has faded."

  It had. I was instead filled with wonder.

  "I had no idea," I admitted. "May I taste you again?"

  She smiled widely. "Yes, but only if you let me take some of you to replace what I give you."

  "Do you have to ask?"

  "No, but I am asking."

  "Then yes."

  She caressed my lips, then leaned down and kissed me, breathing her magic into me. The taste filled my mouth, wrapping itself around my tongue before settling in. I moaned again.

  "Arianna?" I said.

  "Yes, Moira?" she replied.

  "Were you full?"

  "Of magic?"

  "Yes. From Neal."


  "Am I full?"

  "Oh, Moira, not even close. You can hold far, far more magic than I can."

  "What will that feel like?"

  She frowned. "If you promise I may take it back, I will give you most of what I have. It won't fill you, but it will be more than you have ever had."

  "All right," I said.

  "You promise," she said. "You promise I may take this back."

  "I promise," I said. "You may take it back."

  She smiled, and then I watched her magic rise up from around her. "Do not be frightened," she said. "It won't hurt you."

  "I'm not afraid anymore."

  I looked at her magic. It was beautiful, too. I had thought it was ugly before, but it wasn't. The magic bubbled away from her, settling onto my chest. "Accept it, Moira. Imagine asking it to enter into you."

  I did, and suddenly it felt like I was pulling it into me. The magic that had settled onto my chest slid inside me, and I felt a little fuller, but it left me wanting more. I found myself pulling on her magic, and she laughed.

  "You don't know how hard it is to let you do that," she said, and I could see her magic flowing from her to me. And slowly I filled.

  "Enough," she said after another minute or two. I tried pulling once more, but no more magic came. "Uh uh," she said, waving a finger in front of me. "You are the familiar, but I am the witch, Moira. How does that feel?"

  "I don't know," I said. "I feel alive."

  "You are glowing even brighter," she said. "Can you see our mixed aura?"

  "No," I said. "But yours is diminished."

  "Yes. I gave you most of my magic."

  "Not all?"

  "I needed enough to enforce your promise. Otherwise I might have been forced to leave you bound like this for another several days while I gathered more from Neal."

  I frowned. "Did you take all his magic?"

  "Yes," she said. "But it replenishes. And I can hold far more than he has. I spent days making love to him to harvest what I could."


  "I am a sex witch," she said. "He was amazed by his own performance."

  "You said you were a passion witch."

  "Yes," she replied. "Sex is only one sort of passion. But it's one I can easily induce, and thus the easiest to acquire."

  I studied her.

  "May I take my magic back now, Moira?"

  "Do you have to ask?"

  "No," she said. "But I didn't want to rush you."

  I hugged the magic, is the best way I could put it. "Yes, Arianna. Do I have to do anything?"

  "No," she said. "Our magic is mixed inside you, though, so I'm going to get some of yours, too. It can't be helped." She let out all her air, then took a deep breath, and I felt her draw the magic out of me. I couldn't see it leaving my body, but I could see as her aura gained strength. And it looked mostly like her old aura, but it was streaked with some of my magic.

  "Ah," she said. "Oh, we're going to do that a lot. It tastes a lot better when mixed with yours."

  "It doesn't seem like taste is the right word," I suggested.

  "It's not, but it's the word we have."

  She bent over and kissed me again, almost a chaste kiss, little more than a peck. "It's time to get serious now, Moira."

  And then her magic began to flow over me again, and it felt like a hundred tiny hands caressing my skin. The tiny touches were nearly everywhere, but then I realized, not everywhere.

  The touches came closer and closer to my center, my sex.

  "Oh god, no, Arianna. No."

  Her real hands were on my face, caressing my cheeks. One hand left me, and when it returned, it again was glistening. She painted my lips.

  Her magic reached my center, sliding inside me. I gasped with the sensation.

  "Don't do this," I said. "Please don't rape me, Arianna."

  Her magic paused, and then it withdrew from my center, sliding away, and I felt a loss.

  "I will never rape you," she said. "You are right."

  Then her magic began moving again, teasing my breasts and tickling my ears. I felt it caressing my arms and my legs.

  I began to squirm under the hundreds of tiny touches.

  "Look at me, Moira," she ordered.

  I opened my eyes; I hadn't realized I had closed them. I centered my gaze on her.

  "You will be mine. I will hold you and keep you safe, and you will live a very, very long time." Then she kissed me, and my eyes closed again.

  I kissed her back.

  When her tongue flicked against my lips, I parted for her. She invaded me with her tongue, and we moaned together.

  Then her fingers replaced her tongue, and she filled my mouth with her musk again. If she had tasted amazing before, now it was ambrosia. I moaned again, sucking on her fingers.

  "More," I said breathlessly.

  She withdrew her fingers, and then they were back, dripping with her musk, and I pulled them into my mouth.

  I knew she was mixing her natural musk with her magic. I knew this, but I didn't care anymore. I wanted more. More.

  I opened my eyes. Hers were inches away. Then her fingers were in front of my mouth, and I opened. She slid them inside me, and I sucked on them. When she withdrew again, I said, "I don't want to be mindless."

  "You won't be," she said.

  Then her fingers were there again, and I took them. And again. And again.

  I realized I was struggling against the restraints, but I was no longer trying to get free. I wanted her. I wanted her like I had never wanted anyone before.

  But if I gave in, then what would I become?

  "What happens when you... touch me?" I asked.

  "It is only touch," she said. "Love magic."

  "Not... claiming me magic?"

  "The magic to bind a familiar is different," she said. She smiled. "But this is the start of what I did with Neal. It will be different with you."

  "I'll... love you?"

  "Not after the first time," she said.

  "It's not a love spell?"

  "It's a lust spell," she said. Then her fingers were in my mouth, and I sucked at them. "Love spells require your permission to last. Lust spells do not."

  Her fingers withdrew, and I kissed them.

  She kissed me again, painting me with her tongue, spreading her musk around my lips and into my mouth, coating me completely. It was a kiss that went on and on, and by the time she pulled away, I only had one thoug

  "Touch me."

  I didn't have to ask twice. Her hand slid down my stomach and between my legs. She slipped two fingers inside me, and I could feel how wet I was for her. I felt my walls clench around her fingers, wet with both her musk but now mixed with mine. And then she withdrew her hand.

  "No..." I said.

  "Look at me, Moira," she said.

  I opened my eyes again, and I watched as she slowly slid her wet fingers into her mouth. She closed her own eyes, and her look was one of utter bliss.

  Then I realized she was pulling magic from me, then pushing it back into me. In and out rhythmically.

  "Please promise you won't hurt me, Arianna."

  She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Once you are my familiar, if you misbehave, I will punish you. But otherwise, I will never hurt you. I promise."

  "Touch me. Don't stop touching me!"

  And she didn't.

  The first orgasm came almost immediately as she stroked her fingers in and out of me. I have never come like that before. I always require clitoral stimulation. But I came fast and hard, panting, all my muscles clenching. I shuddered for a long time. She stilled her fingers inside me.

  "Mine," she said into my ear.

  "No," I denied.

  "You will be," she said.

  "You're good," I said, opening my eyes. "But you're not that good."

  "Aren't I?" she asked. She didn't move, but her magic did something, and she filled my vagina with her magic. The orgasm burst through me instantly, and I screamed with the pleasure. When finally I stilled, she withdrew her fingers. She let me catch my breath. Then she did it again. And then once more.

  And I came explosively each time.

  She let me catch my breath, then whispered into my ear, "You were saying?"

  My eyes fluttered open, and I searched for her eyes.

  "No more," I whispered. "Please."

  "Mine," she said.


  And her magic began tickling me, slowly tickling me.

  "No, Arianna," I said. "No more."

  "Mine," she said.

  And I felt my passion rising again. I began panting with the need.

  "Oh god," I said. "Oh god."

  Her fingers slipped back inside me, moving in and out of me slowly, stroking my inner passages, teasing me, bringing me to the cusp of another orgasm.

  Then her fingers and her magic held me there, not letting me come this time, teasing me, only teasing me, right on the edge.